點閱:144作者:夏清祥, 吳艷華編著
出版社:萬人出版 時報文化總經銷
出版地:新北市 桃園市
- 1. Taking a Chance 冒險
- 2. The Watchful Woman 警惕的女人
- 3. My Cat 我的貓
- 4. I Haven' t Even Got a Ticket 我沒買車票
- 5. The General Theory of Relativity 廣義相對論
- 6. You Look Like Your Father 你長得像你爸爸
- 7. Cat Call 呼喚貓
- 8. My Dogs 我的狗
- 9. An Advertisement for Modem Bicycle 一則新型自行車廣告
- 10. In a Dilemma 左右為難
- 11. The Classical Music 古典音樂
- 12. A Secret Weapon 秘密武器
- 13. Who Was He 他是誰
- 14. The Consciousness of Safty 安全意識
- 15. A Clever Boy 聰明的男孩
- 16. A Neighbor 鄰居
- 17. The Happiest Day 最幸福的日子
- 18. The Security 安全
- 19. The Audience and the Son 觀眾與兒子
- 20. The Successful Artist 成功的音樂家
- 21. What will You Take 你想要什麼
- 22. Admiration 羨慕
- 23. The Life Insurance 人壽保險
- 24. The Probahility 概率
- 25. A Foot Race 競走比賽
- 26. The Uncanny Ability 神秘的能力
- 27. Honesty 誠實
- 28. I Hope I Have the Wrong Number 但願我撥錯了
- 29. Confusion 神志不清
- 30. Father' s Singing 父親的歌聲
- 31. Nobody' s Perfect 人無完人
- 32. A Knotty Problem 難題
- 33. A Dancing Partner 舞伴
- 34. A Patient Mother 耐心的母親
- 35. A Reference Matter 參照物
- 36. Offering a Seat 讓座
- 37. Within a Stone' s Throw 一箭之地
- 38. The Officer and the Old Soldier 軍官與老兵
- 39. Chinatown 唐人街
- 40. Playing Hide-and-Seek 捉迷藏
- 41. A Sailor 海員
- 42. Where Do You Want It 你想注射在哪兒
- 43. A "Poor" Business Man " 窮 " 商人
- 44. The Generation Gap 代溝
- 45. A Duck on the Golf Course 高爾夫球場的鴨子
- 46. Studying a Foreign Language 學外語
- 47. What Is This 這是什麼
- 48. A Minister in a Seedy Bar 低級酒吧裡的牧師
- 49. A Candle of the Freedom 自由之燭
- 50. The Fast Delivery 快件
- 51. Sending "Fire" to the Door 送 " 火 " 上門
- 52. The Guarantee 擔保
- 53. I Volunteer to Be Second 我自願第二
- 54. An Experienced Sea Captain 經驗豐富的船長
- 55. Paradise 天堂
- 56. "Decision" " 決心 "
- 57. A Lazy Boy 懶惰的男孩
- 58. Solutions 解決方法
- 59. How Much Do You What to Make It? 你想等於多少 ?
- 60. Buying a Ticket for the Dog 給狗買張票
- 61. Why Not Take down Your Nose? 為什麼不把鼻子拿下來
- 62. Is Fly Delicious? 蒼蠅好吃嗎 ?
- 63. An Old Woman and the Beer 老太太與啤酒
- 64. You Are the No. 8 你是第 8 條
- 65. Be Care of My Grapes 小心 ! 我的葡萄
- 66. Sweeping Graves 掃墓
- 67. The Doctor and the Medical Textbooks 醫生和醫學教科書
- 68. Reagon and His Dream 雷根與他的夢
- 69. The Barber and Dabbaly 理髮師與大巴依
- 70. Two Woman Make One Thousand Ducks 兩個女人就頂一千隻鴨子
- 71. An Exam and Deceit 考試與欺騙
- 72. A Promise or a Threat 許諾還是威脅
- 73. Putting out a Fire 滅火
- 74. Putting Two Table of APC 放兩片阿司匹林
- 75. He Was Not 他不是
- 76. I would Rather Spend My Rest Life Here 我願意在此度過我的餘生
- 77. Lady First 女士優先
- 78. How to Get to the Security Office? 去警察局怎麼走 ?
- 79. Making up Stories 編造故事
- 80. Complaining 抱怨
- 81. A Man Never Laughs 一個從來就不笑的人
- 82. Professor and a Robin 教授和知更鳥
- 83. Who Lost 誰輸了 ?