004 《第一回:中秋節出國的機票》
文法:ASAP - As soon as possible
文法:Go abroad
012 《第二回:機場報到》
文法:Within limits
文法:Fill out
021 《第三回:換錢》
文法:Just in case
文法:How would you like…?
031 《第四回:入住飯店》
文法:Here you are/ Here you go
文法:You’ve been nothing but + 正面
040 《第五回:逛街》
文法:Mark down
文法:Try sth on
049 《第六回:問路》
文法:Pull over
文法:Born and raised
058 《第七回:在酒吧》
文法:Would rather + V : would (願意) + 副詞 rather (寧可)
067 《第八回:試穿衣服》
文法:Try sth on
文法:Out of stock
文法:ASAP - As soon as possible
文法:Go abroad
012 《第二回:機場報到》
文法:Within limits
文法:Fill out
021 《第三回:換錢》
文法:Just in case
文法:How would you like…?
031 《第四回:入住飯店》
文法:Here you are/ Here you go
文法:You’ve been nothing but + 正面
040 《第五回:逛街》
文法:Mark down
文法:Try sth on
049 《第六回:問路》
文法:Pull over
文法:Born and raised
058 《第七回:在酒吧》
文法:Would rather + V : would (願意) + 副詞 rather (寧可)
067 《第八回:試穿衣服》
文法:Try sth on
文法:Out of stock