The Oakdale Affair = 橡樹谷事件


作者:Edgar Rice Burroughs[原作] ;甦活中英文編輯所[編輯]


出版社:Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation 甦活全球網路

出版地:Salt Lake City, UT. 臺北市

格式:EPUB 流式



A robbery, marriage, and disappearance of a young girl have struck the town of Oakdale, but are things as they really seem? The beautiful young daughter of a wealthy family is robbed of her money and jewels, and she herself disappears; A young man fleeing a band of murderous hoboes becomes the target of a lynch mob; and that grizzly will have a role as well! 'The Oakdale Affair' features our hero as a supporting character in an adventure featuring the Oskaloosa Kid.

  • The Oakdale Affair
  • chapter1
  • chapter2
  • chapter3
  • chapter4
  • chapter5
  • chapter6
  • chapter7
  • chapter8
  • chapter9
  • chapter10
  • chapter11
  • chapter12